Have some school holiday fun with these online workshops and activities. The sessions are on Wednesday 22 & 29 of September at 9.30 – 11.00am. You can book a single session or both depending on your kids interest. Online resources, the Zoom link and materials needed will be sent out after registration.
Australian Fossils and Dinosaurs
Australia has an amazing diversity of animals that are found nowhere else in the world. This is reflected in Australia fossil history. Join me to uncovers the wonderful world of Australian Dinosaurs and the awesome Megafauna.
Become a Paleontologist and look at real fossils to find out about these animals that called Australia home. The session includes a fun fossil making activity.
Take a journey into the past to discover more about the animals of today.
Wednesday 22 September at 9.30am – 11.00am
Dynamic Earth: rocks and volcanos
Have you ever wondered what lies deep within the Earth? Do you know what makes the plates move and why there are volcano. Do you know the difference between a rock and a mineral? Dynamic Earth explores earth forming processes and answers all these questions and more.
Become a Geologist to dig up the earths secrets. Look at real specimens and do cool experiments to learn about plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes and the earths layers.
Wednesday 29 September at 9.30am – 11.00am
In these program kids will:
- Have a presentation on different groups of rocks and fossils
- Look at somereal rocks and fossil specimens
- Explore different ancient environments
- Make a fossil or do some experiments
Register your kids below for these fun and engaging workshops.