Have a great time making an eruption volcano! Using simple household ingredients you will be able to create a variety different types of eruptions. Be a scientist and experiment with different combinations of ingredients and test the results.

- Vinegar
- Bicarb soda
- Food colouring
- Empty spay bottle with cone shape
- Small plastic bottle
- Spoon
- Tray or plastic mat
- ¾ fill bottle with vinegar
- Add 5 drops of food colouring
- Optional – add a squirt of dishwashing liquid
- Mix 1 tablespoon of bicarb soda with water
- Just enough water so you can poor the bicarb as a liquid
- Pour the bicarb mixture into the bottle with vinegar
- Step back
Be a scientist and experiment with different amounts of bicarb and vinegar to make the biggest eruption!
Gas Balloon
- Vinegar
- Bicarb soda
- Food colouring
- Balloon
- Small plastic bottle
- ¾ fill bottle with vinegar
- Add 5 drops of food colouring
- Add 2 teaspoons of bicarb soda into the balloon – use a funnel to make it easier
- Carefully stretch the balloon over the neck of the bottle
- Hold the balloon on the neck of the bottle and shake the bicarb soda into the vinegar
- Step back