SeaWeek 2022

SeaWeek is a campaign to focus community awareness, provide information and encourage an appreciation of the sea. The dates are on 5 – 13 March 2022 and this years theme is Our SEArch – what will you discover?. The theme is based on the Ocean Literacy Principle that the Ocean is largely unexplored.

Composite image of the key marine environments; ocean, coral reef and mangroves
Key marine environments; ocean, coral reef and mangroves

I relate to this years theme as I love exploring the coastline and below the oceans waves. There is always so much to discover if you look. I have a range of resources to learn more about our marine world and for your to discover something new this SeaWeek.

FREE On Demand session

My Journey Beneath the Waves takes you and your students on an exploration of the marine environment. The temperate waters around Sydney are home to a variety of habitats including kelp beds and sponge gardens. These are wonderful place to dive and discover the diversity of animals that live there.

I talk about my experiences SCUBA diving and take you on a journey beneath the waves to explore this wonderful world.

Education Resources

Oceans contain the greatest diversity of life on Earth. Habitats range from the freezing polar regions to the warm waters of the coral reefs, deep sea hydrothermal vents to shallow seagrass beds and beautiful sponge gardens to giant kelp forests, marine organisms are found everywhere.

Caring for our Coasts

Australia is home to the over 10,000 beaches and no part of Australia is more than 1,000km from the ocean. Our coasts are impacted by our actions on land. Rubbish and microplastics can be found washed up on almost every Australian beach.

Pollution and rubbish get washed into our rivers and waterways with stormwater runoff and end up on our coasts and oceans. Over 75% of this rubbish is plastic. Plastics in the environment can take hundreds of years to break down, thereby impacting marine species for generations.

The Beach Survey provides a starting point to understand the types of rubbish in the marine environment.

The Beach Clean up can help you work together as a team and community to remove this of rubbish.

I have also create a collection of On Demand videos looking at marine environments and caring for the coast.

SeaWeek gives us a fantastic opportunity to promote educational issues of relevance to the marine environment.

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is celebrated on 2 February every year. It is time for everyone to understand the importance of wetlands. This years theme is ‘Wetlands Action for People and Nature’. It’s an appeal to invest financial, human and political capital to save the world’s wetlands from disappearing and to restore those we have degraded..

Why are Wetlands important for Biodiversity?

Wetlands are important because 40% of the world’s plant and animal species live or breed in wetlands. Over 100,000 freshwater species have been identified in wetlands. Wetlands absorb and store water and help remove pollutant from our water.

Did you know?

  • Coastal wetlands are among the most biologically diverse places on earth
  • Coral Reef and Mangrove forest protect coastlines from storm surges
  • Wetlands are vanishing three times faster than forests with 35% disappearing since the 1970s.  The causes of wetland loss include:
    • Drainage and infilling for agriculture and construction
    • Pollution
    • Overexploitation of resources including overfishing
    • Invasive species
    • Climate change

Since 1970 populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles have declined by 60%. There has also been a decline of 81% of inland wetland species and 36% of coastal and marine species. A staggering 25% of wetland species are considered to be threatened with extinction, including water birds, freshwater dependent mammals, marine turtles, and coral reef building species.

Wetlands are areas of land saturated or flooded with water permanently or seasonally. 

There are amazing wetlands to explore in the middle of Sydney.

Sydney Olympic Parks is an urban oasis connecting people with nature.  This is a great place to explore to understand the importance of wetlands for biodiversity.

Frog Walk

The Frog Walk takes you to frog ponds, frog underpasses and even frog fencing at Wentworth Common and Kronos Hill. You can also visit the Brickpit Ring Walk too see the most significant habitat for the endangered Green and Golden Bell Frog. Remember healthy frogs are an indicator of healthy ecosystems.

Narrawang Wetland

Meander along walking paths and a reed-fringed boardwalk to observe the habitat that supports a colony of the endangered Green and Golden Bell frogs and other frog species.

Badu Mangrove Boardwalk

Stroll the winding timber boardwalk in Bicentennial Park and you’ll discover surviving riverside wetlands that shelter colourful waterbirds plus the largest mangrove forest remaining on the Parramatta River.

Waterbird Refuge at Bicentennial Park

Walk up to the Waterbird Refuge  significant
waterbird habitat with a high abundance and diversity of resident and migratory birds. Together with the surrounding mangrove forest, the wetland is listed as a ‘Wetland of National Importance’ by
the Commonwealth Government because of its high ecological values.

Discover more about the importance of wetlands through these publications and how the Urban Water Cycle connects us. Check the health of your local wetland with the Wetland Audit.

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

FrogID Week

Take part in Australia’s biggest frog count during FrogID Week. Frog ID Week is on between 12 – 21 November. Australia is home to about 240 species of native Amphibians, all of which are frogs. In urban areas, human development has reduced the natural habitat available to frogs. FrogID Week is a great way to learn about frogs living in your backyard.

Perons Tree Frog on fern
Peron’s Tree Frog
Scientific name: Litoria peronii

Help to record frog calls during FrogID Week using the free app and uncover which frogs live in your backyards, local parks and bushlands. Your recording can help identify changes to local frog populations and inform frog conservation across Australia. Download the free FrogID app today and help us count Australia’s frogs.

This park in the middle of urban Sydney might not look like much, but after a few days of rain the low lying grass area became a Frog Swamp. I could hear the frogs call from 50 metres away, the closer I got the louder there were. I was able to get a great recording for FrogID Week. Listen below to the Common Eastern Froglets Crinia signifera and Striped Marsh Frogs Limnodynastes peronii calling.

Common Eastern Froglet Crinia signifera

Photo: Stephen Mahony

This tiny frog is only 3cm in size and if very commonly heard but rarely seen. They are common and widespread across south-eastern Australia. Their call is a repetitive crick, crick, crick, crick, crick”. 

Striped Marsh Frog Limnodynastes peronii

Photo: Jodi Rowley

This large species of frog is found down the east coast of Australia. Their call is a single, short “tuk” or “whuck” which is repeated every few seconds. 

Join me on Tuesday 16 November at 2pm for a FREE live virtual excursion to learn more about Frogs and how you can get involved in FrogID.

If you can’t join me for the Live session you can watch the Fascinating Frogs video to find out more.

You can create a frog friendly garden

Frogs are very sensitive to water loss because their skin is permeable. This also means Frogs are really sensitive to chemicals. Frogs can end up absorbing chemicals that could harm or potentially even kill them. Pesticides can also deplete the frogs’ food source.

You can encourage frogs to come to live and breed in your backyard by creating a frog friendly garden. Create a small shallow pond in an area that is partly shaded or install a Frog Hotel.

Reducing chemicals use in your garden
Creating a Frog Habitat
Be patient and wait, if you build it they will come

Use FrogID to research the frogs that are found in you local area. This will help you work out what kind of habitat will suit your backyard best.

You can use PVC pipe to create a habitat for tree frogs. Frog Tubes are an easy way to provide somewhere safe for tree frogs to live too. Use a 1 metre length of PVC pipe and stick the base in the ground to tie them to a tree. It provides a really moist environment for tree frogs to hide in.

A Frog Hotel is a great option for tree frogs and provide them a safe place to hide during the day. Check out the video below for step by step instructions on how ro make a Frog Hotel.

Discover more about Frogs and some of their amazing adaptions. There are also lots of information to create a frog friendly backyard in your area.

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

National Water Week

National Water Week aims to build awareness around the value of water. Access to clean water is hugely important to our daily lives, and it’s down to all of us to protect our water environments and resources, and use water wisely.

What is Water?

Water is essential for all life and is the most abundant substance on Earth. Water covers 75% of the earth’s surface, however only a very small amount is freshwater that can be used directly by people, animals and plants. This issue with the available freshwater creates competing pressures for our water resources.

Follow the journey of water down the river through the catchment to the sea. Think about the different land uses in your local catchment and the variety of impacts they have on our precious water resources.

Education resources

Australian Environmental Education has a range education resources to help you teach about the importance of water.

Explore the importance of water, water usage and water saving ideas with the Every drop counts activity.

Every drop counts, being water wise!

Water moves through the environment by the Water Cycle. This activity investigates the journey of a river through the catchment. Follow water through the environment and explore the changes to water quality over time. This learning activity is the first part of a sequence of 5 individual learning activities focused on Catchment Management. 

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

Connect to Nature

Sometimes you just need to slow down and connect with nature. Sit under your favourite tree or go for a walk in the park. This is especially important at the moment to give yourself permission to have a break. Take some time out every day for you, even 5 minutes can make a difference.

Remember to look up and change your perspective
Touch and feel different tree bark
Visit your favourite tree, if you don't have one, find one
Don't forget to use all your senses

I recently had a wonderful and restorative online Forest Therapy session with Mary Bell from Nature Knows. It was great to take some time to connect with the environment around me and appreciate the sights, sounds and smells in my backyard. Along my journey I discovered these animals in my garden. I wouldn’t have spotted them if it wasn’t for the activities in the Forest Therapy session.

I have continued with the lessons learned during the session and have been giving myself permisison to take a break and spend more time outside. I have been going on more walks, listening to the sounds of the birds and recording frog calls for Frog ID. It is great to discover some of the wildlife that we share our environment with. Spending more time outside and slowing down has allowed my to connect with nature and capture some amazing images of these animals.

Exploring my backyard and local area have been a wonderful chance to slow down and connect with nature.

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

School Holiday Program

Discover What’s in your Backyard this school holidays. With the weather warming up it is the perfect time to explore your own backyard and local area. Australian Environmental Education has a range of FREE programs to keep your kids busy during the school holidays.

Spider in bottlebrush

FREE YouTube LIVE event

From backyards to bushland there is a variety of animals living near you. Learn to identify animals from the clues that they leave behind and discover the diversity of animals in your local area.

Children will the meet live Stick Insects and a live Green Tree Frog

More resources to help you explore

The What’s in your Backyard resources are designed to help you explore the amazing wildlife in your local area. Look for the clues that are left behind to discover more about these animals and what you can do to protect them.

Focus on Frogs

Australia is home to about 240 species of native Amphibians, all of which are frogs. In urban areas, human development has reduced the natural habitat available to frogs. The Focus on Frogs video provides information and skills that will enable you and your child to discover what frogs live in your backyard or local area.

Minbeasts in your Garden

Minibeasts in your Garden explores the diverse world of minibeasts. Discover why minibeasts are important and learn how find them in your garden or local park. The video and activities will help you to identify common groups of backyard minibeasts and provides information and skills to conduct your own minibeasts investigation.

Noises in the Night

You don’t see many of the animals that live in your local area because they are nocturnal. Often it is the Noises in the Night that give us a clue to the nocturnal species that are living in our local area. Other times it is the Scats, Track or Traces that animals leave behind that help us discover who is living in our backyard.

Science Experiments

Check out these fun and educational science experiments. Create some amazing school holiday fun using some simple household ingredients. You and your kids will have lots of science fun extracting DNA from stawberries, making red cabbage indicactor or making a sugar snake.

Keep safe, stay in your local area.

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

Threatened Species Day

Threatened Species Day is commemorated across the Australia on 7 September every year to raise awareness of plants and animals at risk of extinction. Threatened Species Day acknowledges the death of the last remaining Thylacine, Tasmanian tiger at Hobart Zoo in 1936. It is a day to reflect on what you can do to make a difference.

Australia is home to more than 500,000 animal and plant species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Over the last 200 years, more than 100 animal and plant species have become extinct. In NSW there are almost 1000 animal and plant species at risk of extinction.

Threatened Species Day is a time to focus on or native plants, animals, and ecosystems and look at  how we can protect them into the future. I have a range of resources available to help you deliver programs for Threatened Species Day on the following topic areas.

Virtual Excursions

There are also a range of live and on demand virtual excursions available. Join me to talk about Threatened Species with these live interactive session. Discover some amazing animals only found in Australia. Students will also find out what they can do to protect them.

Grey Nurse Shark
Copyright @ John Turnbull

Focus on Frogs

Australia is home to about 240 species of native Amphibians, all of which are frogs. In urban areas, human development has reduced the natural habitat available to frogs. The Focus on Frogs workshop provides information and skills that will enable you and your child to discover what frogs live in your backyard or local area.

Minibeasts in your Garden

Minibeasts in your Garden explores the diverse world of minibeasts. Discover why minibeasts are important and learn how find them in your garden or local park. The program will help you to identify common groups of backyard minibeasts and provides information and skills to conduct your own minibeasts investigation.

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

The Journey continues

This Threatened Species Day marks the second anniversary of the creation of Australian Environmental Education. The last two years have been full of many challenges and just as many rewarding experiences.

In the last 2 years I have written almost 150 webpages and 60 blog posts. I have really enjoyed creating all the content for the website and to see the information being used by so many people. There have been over 65,000 visitors viewing 120,000 pages and 4 million impressions on Google.

The What’s in your Backyard series of videos on YouTube have been watched almost 10,000 times. These videos are especially popular at the moment with students learning from home.

In addition to creating resources for my website, I have also developed resources for the Junior Landcare Learning Centre.

Creating a Wildlife Garden

Creating a wildlife Garden is a 5 part program to help you plan and plant a wildlife habitat at your school, home or local area.

Water and Catchments

Explore the importance of water, water usage and water saving ideas with the Every drop counts activity.

Water moves through the environment by the Water Cycle. This activity investigates the journey of a river through the catchment. Follow water through the environment and explore the changes to water quality over time. This learning activity is the first part of a sequence of 5 individual learning activities focused on Catchment Management. 

Leaking tap with text on water wasted

Caring for our Oceans

Our coasts are impacted by our actions on land. Rubbish and microplastics can be found washed up on almost every Australian beach. These are great activities to do with your high school students.

The Beach Survey provides a starting point to understand the types of rubbish in the marine environment.

The Beach Clean up can help you work together as a team and community to remove this of rubbish.

I have also been delivering onsite and online programs to schools, vacation care centres and students learning from home. Combined, I have delivered almost 250 program reaching over 20,000 students. I’m looking forward to what the next 12 months brings and can’t wait to be able to deliver onsite programs again.

What a journey the last 2 years have been!

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

Online Science Classes

Get ready for National Science Week with a range of online earth and environmental science programs. These programs are suitable for students in the classroom or learning from home. It doesn’t matter if you are a teacher or parent there is a program perfect for you.

Online Science graphic

Class Programs

My Journey Beneath the Waves

My Journey Beneath the Waves: Diving Sydney’s Rocky Reefs takes you and your students on an exploration of the marine environment. The temperate waters around Sydney are home to a variety of habitats including kelp beds and sponge gardens. These are wonderful place to dive and discover the diversity of animals that live there.

Tuesday 10 August at 10am & 2pm

What’s in your Backyard

What’s in your Backyard: discover some of the amazing animals that live in your backyard. Explores the diversity of animals that lives in your local area by looking for the clues that are left behind. Students will look at local animals and find out what they can do to protect them.

Composite images of a cockatoo, frog and spider web

Wednesday 11 August at 10am & 2pm

Stories in the Stone

Take a journey back in time to the beginning of the Earth 4.6 Billion Years ago. We will explore the changes to the earth over that time and the evolution of life. This journey focuses on the diversity of Australian animals that are found nowhere else in the world. 

Thursday 12 August at 10am & 2pm


Outschool is an innovative education platform that offers a variety of engaging, small-group classes online. Unlike traditional classes, Outschool classes give kids the unique opportunity to explore their interests in-depth via interactive, live video by experienced, independent educators.

Marvellous Marine Life

Explore the amazing diversity of animals with the Marvellous Marine Life workshop. Take a journey beneath the waves to explore this wonderful world. Learn about some of these incredible animals, their adaptions and habitats.

marine life program composite image

Invertebrate Investigations

Invertebrate Investigations explores the diverse world of invertebrates. Discover why invertebrates are important and learn how investigate the invertebrates in your own backyard.

Composite image of different invertebrates; cicada, golden orb weaving spider and oleander butterfly

Ancient Australian Animals

Take a journey through time to discover some of Australia’s ancient animals. Become a Palaeontologist and look at real fossils to find out about the animals that called Australia home.

It doesn’t matter if you are a teacher or parent there is a program perfect for you.

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

Education Week 2021

Australian Environmental Education has a range of programs to celebrate Education Week between 26 – 30 July. Come on a journey with Karen exploring this years theme of Lifelong Learning.

I have always grown up with a sense of wonder about nature and our place within it. I strive to discover, explore and learn everyday.

Virtual Excursions

Join Karen from Australian Environmental Education while she shares for lifelong learning journey. During the live and interactive virtual excursions Karen will share some SCUBA diving stories, explore what’s living in our backyards and show you specimens from her rock and fossil collection.

My Journey Beneath the Waves

My Journey Beneath the Waves: Diving Sydney’s Rocky Reefs takes you and your students on an exploration of the marine environment. The temperate waters around Sydney are home to a variety of habitats including kelp beds and sponge gardens. These are wonderful place to dive and discover the diversity of animals that live there.

Monday 26 July at 2pm & Tuesday 27 July at 10am

What’s in your Backyard

What’s in your Backyard: discover some of the amazing animals that live in your backyard this World Environment Day. Explores the diversity of animals that lives in your local area by looking for the clues that are left behind. Students will look at local animals and find out what they can do to protect them.

Tuesday 27 July at 2pm & Wednesday 28 at 10am

Stories in the Stone

Take a journey back in time to the beginning of the Earth 4.6 Billion Years ago. We will explore the changes to the earth over that time and the evolution of life. This journey focuses on the diversity of Australian animals that are found nowhere else in the world. 

Wednesday 28 at 2pm & Thursday 29 at 10am

Online Learning resources

Australian Environmental Education has online learning resources to help you teach a range of earth and environmental science concepts. These resources include web pages, printable activities, videos and outside learning activities.

Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly