I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and has a chance to spend time with family and friends. I’m hoping to get underwater and try out my new dive camera. Keep and eye out for some short dive videos in 2022.

I finished this week with 8 vacation care Christmas programs. We used over 10kgs of bicarb soda, 12L of vinegar, 12L of lemonade and and 6 packs of mentos, having lots of messy science fun.
Try these experiments at home this school holidays
For me Christmas is about using all your senses, the sights and sounds that let me know that it is Summer in Australia. I have had a lot of Christmas Beetles this year and it is always a sign that it is summer and that Christmas is just around the corner. Listen out for the sounds of cicadas and keep an eye out for their exoskeletons on trees, walls, fences and shrubs.
It has been a crazy year filled with change and uncertainty. I want to thank you all for following Australian Environmental Education. Without your help and support during 2021, I would not have been able to achieve so much. Check out the highlights below.

I’m looking forward to 2022!