SciFest 2021 is on again between 2 – 27 August. SciFest aligns with National Science week in August and is a virtual excursions festival promoting science and technology. Join Karen from Australian Environmental Education as she shares her love science.

My Journey Beneath the Waves
My Journey Beneath the Waves: Diving Sydney’s Rocky Reefs takes you and your students on an exploration of the marine environment. The temperate waters around Sydney are home to a variety of habitats including kelp beds and sponge gardens. These are wonderful place to dive and discover the diversity of animals that live there.
Tuesday 10 August at 10am & 2pm
What’s in your Backyard
What’s in your Backyard: discover some of the amazing animals that live in your backyard. Explores the diversity of animals that lives in your local area by looking for the clues that are left behind. Students will look at local animals and find out what they can do to protect them.
Wednesday 11 August at 10am & 2pm
Stories in the Stone
Take a journey back in time to the beginning of the Earth 4.6 Billion Years ago. We will explore the changes to the earth over that time and the evolution of life. This journey focuses on the diversity of Australian animals that are found nowhere else in the world.
Thursday 12 August at 10am & 2pm
FREE events
Backyard Biodiversity
Join Karen to talk about Backyard Biodiversity. Discover some of the amazing animals living in your local area. Students will look at local animals and find out what they can do to protect them.
Tuesday 17 August at 2pm & Thursday 19 August at 4pm