Australian Environmental Education offers a range of Craftanoons. These workshops are a fun way to clear out your cupboards and shed to create unique and personal products. Upcycle, turn you waste into new materials, make a product that you would throw away into something beautiful and useful.

Insect Hotels
Make your garden a haven for insects with these easy and fun insect hotels. Upcycle your old pots and containers to create these small animal habitats. Suggestions of different plant material will be provided prior to the session. There will be huge variety of material available to help you create the perfect insect hotel for your garden.

String Gardens
Learn how to make your own hanging string plants. These ferns are balls of soil, covered with moss and wrapped with string. In this Craftanoon workshop you’ll learn how to make these unique additions to your garden or home. Bring in your own plants to give them a new look or use the ferns provided.

Christmas Wreaths
Looking for something different for your next Christmas wreath, then this Craftanoon is for you. Upcycle your old Christmas decorations to make unique wreaths for your home. You can also use native plants and flowers to create beautiful wreath arrangements. There is something to suit everyone. Bring in your own material to incorporate into your new wreath or use the fresh plants and other material provided.

Upcycled Fascinators
Create beautiful Fascinators using your old ribbons, headband, hair clips and more. Upcycle these items to create your own individual Fascinator. This is a fun and hands on Craftanoon for you and your friends.

You can bring in your own resources to up cycle or material will be supplied. Give your old terracotta pots, plants, Christmas decoration, ribbons or hair accessories a new life with these fun Crafternoons.
Craftanoons are currently available across Sydney, Greater Sydney and the Central Coast. Sessions start at 2pm unless there is a special request.
The cost is $650 for a 90 minute program for up to 10 participants including all base resources plus GST. Over 10 participant is a 120 minute program, $30 +GST for each additional participant up to a maximum of 20.