The All About Water program explores the importance of water for all living things. Water is the most common substance found on earth. Only a very small amount is freshwater that can be used directly by people, animals and plants. Water scarcity is one of the biggest issues facing us today.

All about Water Program Content:
In this program students will:
- Have a presentation on the importance of water
- Explore the Water Cycle
- Conduct some hands on experiments with water
- Look at the journey of water from the mountains to the sea
- Do a water audit of the school

- Classification: Non Living Things
- Hands on investigation: Field works practices, applying geographical tools and observation
- Sustainability: Protecting habitats, making informed actions, sustainable ways of living and looking at challenges to sustainability
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Education Resources
Find education resources to help you and your students learn more about Water, The Story of a River and School Water Audit.
NSW Curriculum Links
Science and Technology K – 6
Students develop and apply skills in:
- scientific inquiry through the process of working scientifically
- design and production processes in the development of solutions
Knowledge and understanding
Students develop knowledge and understanding of:
- the natural world including living things and Earth
- the built environment
- how digital technologies represent data
Human Society and its Environment HSIE
- develop knowledge and understanding of the features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales
- develop knowledge and understanding of interactions between people, places and environments
- apply geographical tools for geographical inquiry
- develop skills to acquire, process and communicate geographical information
See the NESA website for full details.