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Australian Environmental Education
For all your environmental education needs
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Consulting Services
Designing Environmental Education programs
Live Minibeasts for your Classroom
Teacher Professional Development
Virtual Excursions
Visitor Experience
Hands on Learning
Learning Styles, what works in your classroom?
Karen Player
My Journey towards sustainability
NSW Education Standards: Learning across the curriculum
Outdoor Learning Experience
Risk Assessment
All about Water
Ancient Australian Animals
Australian Animal Adventures
Dinosaur Discovery
Dynamic Earth
Fabulous Frogs
Invertebrate Investigations
Marvellous Marine Life
Megafauna Mysteries
Sustainability Starts with You
Science Shows
Virtual Excursions
Virtual Excursions Requests
Attracting birds to your backyard
Backyard Wildlife
Create a frogs friendly backyard
Fabulous Frogs
Dangerous Australian Animals
Dragonflies: Nature’s Mosquito Control
Importance of Fungi
Life Cycles
Life in a Pond
Life in Rock Pools
Minibeasts in your backyard
Invertebrates Investigated
Spiders across Australia
Pollinators the unsung heroes
Plant and Animal Adaptations
Water Bears
Earth’s Atmosphere
How are clouds formed?
Great Artesian Basin
Life in a Pond
Marine Environments
Life in Rock Pools
Marvellous Marine Life
My Journey Beneath the Waves
The Deep Sea
Unveiling the Wonders of the Great Barrier Reef
What are Coral Reefs?
Rivers: the flow of water
The Deep Sea
What is the Biosphere?
What are Coral Reefs?
Unveiling the Wonders of the Great Barrier Reef
What is a Catchment?
What are Forests?
What is Weather?
Climate vs Weather
How are clouds formed?
What are Wetlands?
Natural Disasters
Volcanic Eruptions
Sustainable living
Becoming a Citizen Scientist
Citizen Science projects for school students
Climate vs Weather
Create an environmentally friendly backyard
Build a Frog Hotel
How to make a Dragonfly Habitat
Making a Lizard Lounge
Making an Insect Hotel
Dragonflies: Nature’s Mosquito Control
How to host a Sustainable Party?
Reducing your Waste
Urban Heat Island Effect
Rocks and Fossils
Ancient Australian Animals
Australian Dinosaurs
Eromanga Sea
How are Diamonds formed?
How are opals formed
Inside the Earth
Plate Tectonics
The Geologic Timescale
Life in the Ediacaran
Life in the Cambrian
Life in the Ordovician
Life in the Devonian
Life in the Triassic
Mass Extinctions
What are Fossils?
Life on Earth
What are rocks?
What is Soil?
The Universe
Mercury: our Sun’s Closest Neighbour
Venus: the Earth’s Sister Planet
The Earth
Mars: the red planet
The Solar System
What is Science?
Earth Science
Environmental Science
Periodic Table
What is DNA?
What is pH?
What is the Scientific Method?
What’s in your Backyard
Amazing Animal Adventures
Focus on Frogs
Minibeasts in your Garden
Noises in the Night
Pollinators the unsung heroes
Scats, Tracks and Traces
Spiders across Australia
Great Artesian Basin
How are clouds formed?
How to be Waterwise
Life in a Pond
Rivers: the flow of water
The Natural Water Cycle
The Urban water cycle
What are Wetlands?
Wetland Audit
What is a Catchment?
Why is Water Important?
Beach Clean Up
Colouring in pages
Dot to Dots
Numbat Maze
Science Experiments
Erupting Volcano
Make a Lava Lamp
Strawberry DNA Extraction
Super Sugar Snake
Red Cabbage pH activity
Water Activities
The Story of a River
Water Audit
Water Cycle Experiments
Wetland Audit
What’s in your Backyard
Build a Frog Hotel
Citizen Science projects for school students
How to make a Dragonfly Habitat
Making an Insect Hotel
Making a Lizard Lounge
Making a Wildlife Garden
Beachcombing Images
Invertebrate Images
Landscape Images
Macro Images
Marine Images
Oleander Butterfly Life Cycle
Spiders Images
Vertebrate Animals
Environmental Education Clip Art
World Soil Day
Cicada Season
Creating a Thriving Wildlife Garden: A Success Story
Moray Magic
World Rivers Day
Threatened Species day
Biodiversity Month: Every Species Matters
Awesome August
National Tree Planting Day
Exploring the Myth and Reality about cartoon animals
Outdoor Classroom Day
Honouring our Fuzzy Pollinators on World Bee Day
Hosting a Sustainable Party
World Water Day 2024
Making a Dragonfly Garden
Bird Bonanza
Citizen Science for school students
Celebrating Biodiversity Month
World Environment Day 2023: Beat Plastic Pollution
Celebrating World Turtle Day
Roaring Back in Time
SeaWeek 2023
2022: it’s a wrap
Amazing Minerals
Coastcare Week
Adventures on the Great Barrier Reef
Cicadas Chorus
FrogID Week 2022
World Rivers Day
Underwater at Shelly Beach
Celebrating 3 years
Threatened Species Day 2022
Australian Fossil Journey
Only One Earth
World Water Day
World Frog Day
SeaWeek 2022
My Sister the Octopus Whisperer
World Wetlands Day
Bluebottle winds
Merry Christmas
Coastcare Week
Pollinator Week
FrogID Week
Marine world adventure
National Water Week
Connect to Nature
School Holiday Program
Threatened Species Day
The Journey continues
Online Science Classes
SciFest 2021
Education Week 2021
Online Learning Resources
The Land of the Megafauna
Minibeasts in the Classroom
World Oceans Day
World Environment Day 2021
Get your garden growing
Where does the rain go?
SeaWeek 2021
Virtual Excursions
World Wetland Day
Penguin Awareness Day
My Spider Garden
The year that was: 2020
Reduce your use: plastics
Coastcare Week
Australian Pollinator Week
World Numbat Day
National Water Week 2020
Ages of Fishes Museum
Journey beneath the Waves: The Haven
Launch: one year on
Threatened Species Day
Magpie swooping season, are you ready?
Isopod Discoveries
School Holiday Programs Online
World Oceans Day
World Environment Day
World Bee Day
The Power Within
Earth Day 2020
Video Conferencing
Fascinating Fungus
My Journey to Sustainability
Urban Heat Island effect
World Wetlands Day
Sydney’s hidden garden
My dive the with Sharks
Penguin Awareness Day
When it rains it pours
Welcome to 2020
Becoming Waterwise
Outdoor Classroom Day
World Jellyfish Day
Beachcombing – exploring our shores
World Octopus Day
Christmas Beetles
Welcome to Australian Environmental Education
COVID-19 Safety Plan
COVID-19 Safety Plan
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Minibeasts in your Garden Stage 3
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